
How does God’s financial advice compare to the world’s?

Few people see the Bible as a financial guidebook but the Scripture is full of spiritual and practical advice.  Here are the top three lessons where the Bible differs from all other financial advice.  So let me ask you, whom are you serving? Are you serving your husband, your wife, your children, your boss, your

Advice for lifelong singles

The Census by Statistics New Zealand in 2018 identified that 23% of households in New Zealand consisted of one-person. The proportion of one-person households declined between 2013 and 2018 despite an increase in the number of single households consisting of people aged 65 years and older. Statistics New Zealand noted the decline in the proportion

Should my tithe be based on my net or gross income

I have heard this question many times over the years that I have been a Christian.  However, the more important question is how do you decide how much to give and how much to spend on yourself. Is the tithe all that we are asked to give?  What about those who say that we are

Being Content

A Household Income survey by Statistics New Zealand in 2012 showed that 14% of New Zealand households with an annual income of $156,000 or more, indicated that their income was only just enough to meet their everyday needs, and a further 5% of households said it was not enough. "But godliness actually is a means

A Biblical Perspective of Work

The 40-hour week (paid hours including overtime) remains the average for males in full-time work in Australia and New Zealand. For females in full time work the average is around 37 – 38 hours while the average for part-time workers in 20 hours a week. These survey numbers only covered paid hours and we know

11 Tips to Nail Your Next Interview

Looking for a new job? Working as unto the Lord includes preparing well for an interview. Viewing work as an opportunity to glorify Him should motivate us to prepare well for an interview in the hopes of being remembered at hiring time. Consider these tips for making a great impression at your first interview.Eye contact,

Survey Finds Better Giving Saves Marriages

Peter and Lorraine Crawford, who oversee Crown’s New Zealand team, have conducted a survey of individuals in their country who completed Crown’s Biblical Financial Study. The average amount of time since respondents had completed the study was four years. Here is some of what they reported. Current average debt, other than a home mortgage or