Few people see the Bible as a financial guidebook but the Scripture is full of spiritual and practical advice.  Here are the top three lessons where the Bible differs from all other financial advice. 

So let me ask you, whom are you serving?

Are you serving your husband, your wife, your children, your boss, your family, your neighbour or others in your church? If so, don’t begrudge this as a burden. You are actually blessed. These are opportunities for you to grow and experience the joy and satisfaction of life. Jesus himself said that he did not come to be served but to serve. He fulfilled His purpose on earth in the same way. In fact, when asked who was the greatest among the disciples, Jesus made it clear that was the one who serves.

So today, thank God for all those you are called upon to serve. They are giving you the privilege of being filled to the full measure of Christ. Show appreciation for them. Thank God for them, and serve your heart out. In the end, you will experience true self-fulfilment and the rewards of a life well lived.

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    Lesson One: Money is not your master

    Cash is not king. Becoming a millionaire is not an appropriate life purpose. The Bible makes a clear distinction in Matthew 6:24:

    “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” (NLT)

    Serving money means we allow it to control our decisions, our direction, even our life purpose.  As Christians, we must not allow money to usurp God’s leading and control our daily decisions.

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    Lesson Two: We do not own anything

    We are not owners of anything; we are temporary trustees of God’s property.

    Psalm 24:1 “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world, and all its people belong to him.”  (NLT) This changes our purpose from accumulators to managers!

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    Lesson Three: The highest and best use of our money is to give


    God gives us two directives.

    Take care of our families

    Paul in his letter to the Corinthian church states “… after all, children don’t provide for their parents. Rather parents provide for their children.” 2 Cor 12:14 (NLT)

    Honour Him by giving. 

    “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce.” Proverbs 3:9 (NLT)

    These are not contradictory; rather, they are ways in which we reflect our obedience to God who charged us with caring for our family and others who are in need.

These three principles: Lordship, Stewardship and Generosity should change our financial plans, our financial purposes and our financial goals. 

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