Articles Posted by Peter Crawford

Six money myths you need to stop believing

There are many misconceptions and myths about money. Many are completely untrue, but some need to be seen through the lens of a faithful, biblical steward. Here are the top six money myths and a biblical perspective. Myth 1 – Investing is the same as gambling, so as a Christian I shouldn’t invest. Investing is

The opportunity of generosity

Giving is sometimes described as a two-sided coin. Side one is the obligation for Christians to be generous. This obligation flows out of God’s ownership of all things. “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for He founded it upon the seas and established it

Basic business minimums for Christians

Basic business minimums for Christians A business is a tool that can be used by God to demonstrate the truth of the Gospel. In James 1:22 we are told to be “doers” of the Word. A business is the perfect environment for living Christ’s truth. Purpose of a business To determine whether a business is

Advice for lifelong singles

The Census by Statistics New Zealand in 2018 identified that 23% of households in New Zealand consisted of one-person. The proportion of one-person households declined between 2013 and 2018 despite an increase in the number of single households consisting of people aged 65 years and older. Statistics New Zealand noted the decline in the proportion

Financially Helping Your Adult Children

It is never too late for parents to begin teaching their children about finances, particularly God’s principles of handling money. If parents find that their grown children are having financial difficulties, this may be a good opportunity to help them get good counsel. Parent’s financial help should be contingent on the children establishing a workable

Six steps to prepare for the days ahead

Six steps to prepare for the days ahead The Global Financial Crisis in 2009 uncovered an even deeper problem that we all face—it’s a crisis of the heart. Anyone can see that our society is quickly shifting away from any semblance of a biblical worldview. Instead of seeking God for direction and help, it seems

Managing time with a home business

Managing time with a home business Working at home provides flexibility and freedom, but discipline is necessary to complete the work required.  Proverbs 6:10-11 notes “A little extra sleep, a little more slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest – then poverty will pounce on you like a bandit; scarcity will attack you

Annual gambling losses pass $2.6 billion

Annual gambling losses pass $2.6 billion The Department of Internal Affairs latest gambling statistics show a 9% increase in gambling expenditure between 2019 and 2021. Gambling expenditure was nearly $2.7 billion in the year ended June 2021 (gambling expenditure is the amount lost by gamblers – the difference between the amount gambled and the amount

The good and bad of oil prices

The good and bad of oil price rises Oil prices have significantly increased recently, impacting household budgets and pushing the rate of inflation higher.  However, is an increase in the price of oil always a bad thing? Prices rises are “good” when they accurately reflect need and scarcity. Prices rises are “bad” when they do

Should I buy an electric car?

Should I buy an electric car? The government is promoting the purchase of electric cars, providing cash rebates for purchase of new or second-hand imported cars. A rebate of up to $8,625 is available for new electric cars costing less than $80,000. Up to $3,450 is available for used electric cars which have been registered